SkyEpub 5.2.0 for iOS Released

Reflowable Layout
New functions are added
/** execute custom javascript */
/** draw Highlight on the top of epub, not under it. */

Fixed Layout
New functions are added.
/** change the window color */
/** change the background color for each page */

/** execute Javascript for left page (when forLeft = YES) or for right page (forLeft = NO). in single page mode (portrait), forLeft should be YES. */
-(NSString*)executeJavascript:(NSString*)script forLeftPage:(BOOL)forLeft;
/** execute Javascript only for left Page. use this in portrait mode. */

/** start caching process */
/** stop caching process */

/** called when caching process for pages is started. @param index int the start index where caching process is started */
-(void)fixedViewController:(FixedViewController*)fvc cachingStarted:(int)index;
/** called when caching process for pages is finished @param index int the start index where caching process is finished **/
-(void)fixedViewController:(FixedViewController*)fvc cachingFinished:(int)index;
/** called when caching for one page is over. @param index the page index which is cached now. @param path the path of cached file. */
-(void)fixedViewController:(FixedViewController*)fvc cached:(int)index image:(UIImage*)image;

/** if cache file exists for pageIndex, you have to return YES or return NO */
-(BOOL)fixedViewController:(FixedViewController*)fvc cacheExists:(int)pageIndex;